The Puzzleverse is a unique and stunning 2D puzzler set in an alternate dimension called the Puzzleverse. 
Guide Orb through a series of top down puzzles and horizontal side scrolling challenges 
in hopes to piece together his fragmented world.


Solve The Puzzles
Can you solve all 155 Puzzles and help Orb reach Hunab Ku - The Center of The Puzzleverse?
Conquer the Challenges - Unlock the Constellations
Conquer the 12 Fragment Challenges as they get progressively more difficult. Seek aid in the form of upgrades, build Orb's challenge stats up, beat the clock, discover all 12 constellations, and reach the 13th constellaiton: Hunab Ku
Unlock Orb's 12 primary abilities
Play amazing, unique and difficult puzzles
Test your timing, your reflexes and put your brain under pressure by solving Orb's challenges - the more challenges you unlock, the stronger you get - the closer you will get to the centre of The Puzzleverse.
Master over 20 unique and engaging puzzle elements
Including but not limited to light blocks, symbol blocks, puzzle panels, light bridges, electric gates, turrets, scouts, guards, hunters, block rotators, island rotators, deflectors, lasers and more!!
Don't miss a beat of The Puzzlevere's development! Keep your eye on my social feeds for regular updates, hints, tips and tricks!
Should you wish to give the current pre-release version of the Greenlight Alpha a spin please contact me via one of my social media channels!